Monday, August 10, 2009

tuesdays and thursdays

are my favourite days in the week this semester. 
because drawing lab classes (5 hour class)are being held at the art park!
your agendas can be done here while you monitor your class, and get to be at one with nature. (you can actually add that to the millions of perks in this instructing career)sigh... i mean,yay!

you can paint away your 3 remaining hours (since the other 2 are for lecture and demos..awwww!) and so you won't get stuck with the talks -- you walk your talks.

a work here in progress as part of the upcoming group exhibition with the senior students: Fantasmagoria. details to follow.

(mark isaac williams skull drawing with orchid--the inspiration for that mixed media art above. a skull found by an anthropologist in the 1800s and an orchid grew from the inside )

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