i used to pass by a huge house before, everyday i went for work, that has a garden by the road side which at first glance is very ordinary. all greens, no flowerings just all green plants randomly planted without the visible "manicured" effect of a landscaped garden that is usually expected of a nice, huge house with a front lawn. i dont know if its just a case of "got used to it" because i see it everyday ( or it simply appealed to me because i am fond what i always call the "laid back" appeal) but know what? the green, those all-green plants and shrubs the owner thrown as if to mix and match the plants :)--started to look good, appealing to me. i concluded the owner perhaps doesn't want to spend too much time and money for "maintenance". oh but there was arrangement somehow--few garden stones to break patterns in between, small plants, shrubs, then tall plant recurrence. always swept clean because i never ever saw dead leaves on its green ground. (recall must be powerful and the one single subject as, colour :D )
here, i tried to replicate the all green effect. this low--in fact, super low maintenance garden patch, and perhaps this version is funny--but who cares, as long as i see greens --and smell every morning those "almost" like a juniper and pine smell of surroundings , to counter the dern--- compost smell of food refuse i made just thrown aside hoping that the sun would dry them up quick. i was wrong. 'should have dug a small hole and covered it with dead leaves, every after layer :(