Wednesday, December 28, 2011

28. pin it on those irresistible empire cut tops or dress

                         the irresistible empire cut style of clothing, is beautiful and fitting for --thin, waif like girls. yet we healthy women have those too, simply, because we like the cut :D and we have the "plastic card". the down side,-- it emphasizes our bulge even bulgesss to some ;D on our tummies caused by those child bearing years. its forever there. and nothing will stop us from wearing our "empires". sure. pin on then my long art pins. camouflage the bulge from slight to worst--ouchhh. ( i am still on the process of creating huge art pins---engineering it hahahahh--for a perfect--hide!)

                                    i custom make sisters. from slight to well---heavy a message away! 

 "flight" multi-purpose art pin in foto detail

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