every year i cover my class record in different themes. so manual. and even with laptops, excels, electronic recordings around, i still gravitate at keeping manual records beside me. its more handy, no heavy load and bulks to carry. just like many seasoned writers, they still have their vintage typewriters with them, even though they have "apples" beside them.
the theme is--" forever commuting". thats me. that is in celebration of my almost 45th year of commuting experience, ever since i can remember--from school to work to even dating (sigh...)
there are joys and lamentations that goes with it.
and since i am in a "low maintenance" mode, and in fact promoting it, it'll have to be that way...maybe 'til my feet carries me (?).
uhh.. i almost did buy one, a second hand car...some years ago, but the wanderlust in me won, and instead i went to see some part of the globe. i never regretted that move.